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DGT Circular Letter No. SE-74/PJ/2015 dated December 4, 2015
IMPLEMENTATION OF INDONESIA SUPREME COURT VERDICT NO. 73 P/HUM/2013 CONCERNING JUDICIAL REVIEW ON ARTICLES IN GOVERNMENT REGULATION NO. 74 YEAR 2011 CONCERNING PROCEDURES FOR TAX RIGHTS AND OBLIGATION IMPLEMENTATION Supreme Court has annulled several articles in Government Regulation No. 74 Year 2011, as consequences several articles in Minister of Finance Regulation, DGT Regulation and DGT…
MoF Regulation No. 213/PMK.03/2016 dated 30 December 2016
The New Regulation onTransfer Pricing Documentation AN OVERVIEW OF PMK-213The Indonesian Ministry of Finance has recently issued a new regulation No. 213/PMK.03/2016 (“PMK-213”) on 30 December 2016, which requires Taxpayers to prepare transfer pricing documentation (“TP Doc”). TYPES OF TP DOCSPMK-213 classifies TP Doc into three types: Master FileMaster File consists of Information concerning the…
Minister of Finance Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 172/PMK.010/2016 dated 14 November 2016
LAND AND BUILDING TAX REDUCTION IN MINING/GEOTHERMAL OPERATION IN THE EXPLORATION STAGE Taxpayers of the payable Geothermal Land and Building Tax (PBB) listed on Notification on Tax Due (SPPT) that is still in the Exploration Stage can be granted a reduction of Land and Building Tax (PBB). The Land and Building Tax (PBB) reduction is granted 100%…
MoF Regulation No. 197/PMK.03/2015 dated November 2, 2015
DEDUCTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTION ON TAX ASSESSMENT LETTER, LAND AND BUILDING TAX ASSESSMENT LETTER, AND/OR TAX COLLECTION LETTER AS RESULT OF LAND AND BUILDING TAX INSPECTION, VERIFICATION OR RESEARCH Based on taxpayer request, DGT may reduce administrative sanction on tax assessment letter (SKP), land and building tax assessment letter (SKP PBB) and/or tax collection letter…
MoF Regulation No. 125/PMK.010/2015 dated July 7, 2015
AMENDMENT ON MINISTER OF FINANCE REGULATION NO. 60/PMK.03/2014 CONCERNING PROCEDURES FOR EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Article 1 number 2, 5 6 7 and 8 are amended and become as follow: Article 1 1. Law means law no 6 year 1983 concerning general taxation provision and procedures as amended several times and recently amended by law no. 16…