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DGT Regulation No. PER-29/PJ/2015 dated July 23, 2015
FORM, CONTENT AND PROCEDURES FOR FILLING AND SUBMITTING VAT PERIODIC TAX RETURN VAT periodic tax return subsequently will be mentioned as periodic VAT return 1111 consist of: a. Master form 1111 and b. Attachment which consist of: 1. Form 111AB – summary of delivery and acquisition 2. Form 1111 A1 – list of exported tangible taxable goods (BKP), intangible taxable goods…
Government Regulation No. 74 Year 2015 dated October 1, 2015
VAT TREATMENT ON PARTICULAR PORT SERVICE DELIVERY FOR SEA TRANSPORT COMPANY WHICH CARRY OUT OVERSEAS SEA TRANSPORT Particular port service delivery by port management corporation to sea transport company which carry out overseas sea transport will be exempted from VAT. Such VAT exemption will be valid under following term and condition: For ship operated by…
Government Regulation No. 41 Year 2016 dated 17 October 2016
INCOME TAX ARTICLE 21 TREATMENT ON INCOME RECEIVED BY EMPLOYEE FROM EMPLOYER WITH PARTICULAR CRITERIA Employee who receive income from employer with particular criteria with maximum amount of Rp 50 millions in one year are subject to 2.5% final income tax article 21.Employer with particular criteria is: Corporate taxpayer who engage in footwear and/or textile…
DGT Regulation No. PER-31/PJ/2015 dated August 5, 2015
THIRD AMENDMENT ON DGT REGULATION NO. PER-57/PJ/2010 CONCERNING GUIDANCE AND PROCEDURES FOR INCOME TAX ARTICLE 22 COLLECTION RELATING TO PAYMENT ON GOODS DELIVERY AND IMPORT ACTIVITY OR OTHER BUSINESS SECTORS Article 1 is amended as follow: Article 1 1) Tax collectors as mentioned in Article 22 Law No. 7 Year 1983 as last amended by Law No. 36 Year 2008 are: a. Forex Bank…