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DGT Regulation No. PER-11/PJ/2015 dated March 3, 2015
INCOME TAX IMPOSEMENT ON PRIZE AND REWARD Income derived from prize from lottery, competition also activity and reward are object for income tax. Lottery organizer will withhold final income tax article 4 paragraph 2 amounting to 25% from lottery prize. Prize or reward on competition, prize on activity and reward are subject to income tax…
Peluncuran Layanan Perpajakan
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Government Regulation No. 69 Year 2015 dated September 16, 2015
IMPORT AND TRANSFER OF CERTAIN TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT AND ITS TAXABLE SERVICES WHICH ARE NOT COLLECTED FROM VALUE ADDED TAX Article 1Import on particular means of transportation which are not collected from VAT includes: Water, underwater, air means of transportation and train including their spare parts imported by Defense Ministry, Nation Army, State police and other…