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DGT Circular Letter No. SE-20/PJ/2015 dated March 18, 2015
GRANTING STATEMENT OF INCOME TAX DISPENSATION ON INCOME FROM TRANSFER OF LAND AND BUILDING RIGHTS AS RESULT OF INHERITANCE Transfer of land and/or building right as result of inheritance are exempted from income tax from such income. A statement of income tax dispensation will be given on income from transfer of land and/or building right….
MoF Regulation No. 101/PMK.010/2016 dated 22 June 2016
ADJUSTMENT ON NON TAXABLE INCOME Non taxable income will be adjusted as follow:a. IDR 54,000,000 for individual taxpayerb. Additional IDR 4,500,000 for married taxpayerc. Additional IDR 54,000,000 for wife whose income is combined with her husbandd. Additional IDR 4,500,000 for every family’s dependent related by blood and marriage in direct linage also adopted child, with…
DGT Regulation No. PER-32/PJ/2015 dated August 7, 2015
TECHNICAL GUIDANCE FOR PROCEDURES FOR WITHHOLDING, DEPOSITION AND REPORTING OF INCOME TAX ARTICLE 21 AND/OR 26 RELATING TO INDIVIDUAL JOB, SERVICES AND ACTIVITY Chapter II Income Tax article 21 and/or 26 withholder Article 2 1) Income Tax article 21 and/or 26 withholder include: a. Employer such as 1. Individual 2. Company or 3. Branch, representative or unit when they administer part of…
MoF Regulation No. 207/PMK.010/2015 dated November 20, 2015
SECOND AMENDMENT ON MINISTER OF FINANCE REGULATION NO. 105/PMK.03/2009 CONCERNING RECEIVABLE WHICH APPARENTLY UNCOLLECTIBLE WHICH IS DEDUCTIBLE FROM GROSS REVENUE Article 3 paragraph 1 letter c is amended.The following condition of apparently uncollectible receivables are mandatory which in previous regulation was needed for one condition only: Collection case already submitted to district court or other…