Rejuvenation of e-Faktur Software

In accordance with Letter of Ministry of Finance No. S-527/PJ.02/2016 dated June 20, 2016 concerning the Rejuvenation of e-faktur Software, conveyed following matters:

A.   Rejuvenation of e-faktur software will be held starting on June 22, 2016 at 10.00 PM to June 23, 2016. During that process, while the server of e-faktur can’t be accessed.
B.   For the smooth running of the process, prompted to Taxable Entrepreneur for:
1.   back up the database of e-faktur software;
2.   directly update by using features “autoupdate” through the application of e- faktur or ;
3.   offline update by downloading  e-faktur software via:
       a.   Website of the Directorate General of Taxation
       b.   Website of or
       c.   Request directly the new  e-faktur software to Tax Office where Taxable Entrepreneur confirmed.

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